
VM Preparation

The VM template needs a few cloud-init tools installed before we can use it with cloud-init configs


apt install cloud-init cloud-initramfs-growroot


Cloud-init has a config file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

Growing partitions

With growroot installed in the initramfs, cloud-init will expand partitions and filesystems to fit the root partition given.

XCP-ng: Set Hostname

This cloud config snippet sets the machine hostname to the VM name.

hostname: {name}

Network config

The network config is a special config file with cloud-init that focuses on specifying network settings.

Set Static IP

The snippet below sets a static ip address for the specified interface.
Its syntax mainly follows the /etc/network/interfaces syntax.

  version: 1
  - type: physical
    name: [INTERFACE]
      - type: static
        address: [ADDRESS]
        gateway: [ADDRESS]
        dns_nameservers: [ADDRESS]